Be Delighted with the Delicious and Luscious Delicacies of Yogyakarta

Be Delighted with the Delicious and Luscious Delicacies of Yogyakarta
June 04 10:17 2019 Print This Article

Yogyakarta provides many delicious delicacies. By bakpia cookies, wingko babat, to enting kacang, visitors will be thrilled to find there are a lot of tasty selections here in Yogyakarta. Gudeg is one of the specialties of Jogjakarta. This dish is made of young jackfruit fruit with traditional herbs, occasionally with poultry and eggs. The cow skin is cooked until tender accompanies gudeg with steamed rice. Most traditional restaurants in Yogyakarta market this specialization. But, do not allow the sweet taste of gudeg deceive you, but the chili sauce of Javanese food could be really spicy because it’s made mostly from cabai rawit the spiciest chili in Indonesia.

Yogyakarta is a city full of motorcycles. Because for some Yogyakartans, two kilometers is considered quite far. In the town, you may give your legs some exercise, ride andong/delman, use the bus and the public transport, ride a taxicab, or, try how it feels like to ride becak/pedicab. If you wish to visit interesting sites in the city, then it’s best to move around on foot. However, if you would like to marvel at the grandiose of Borobudur Temple, it’s best if you rent a car.

To make it simpler and briefer, you may take a plane from cities like Jakarta or Bali. From Jakarta and Bandung, you may also go to Yogyakarta by train, and the trip will take approx. 8-12 hours. Some travel agents or cars rental offer excursions to Yogyakarta from towns with a reasonable charge. The journey will take more time than 12 hours from Jakarta or Bandung.

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David Curry
David Curry

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