Protecting and Improving Your Vision

Protecting and Improving Your Vision
April 21 06:46 2021 Print This Article

It’s easy to take for granted but good eyesight is a precious gift that should be properly safeguarded. People of all ages have to make healthy choices in order to protect and even improve their vision. If you’re thinking, “I need help with my eyesight Virginia Beach VA,” follow these tips for better eye health.

Eating a Healthy, Nutrient-Dense Diet

If you’re overweight or suffer from health issues, including cardiovascular problems or diabetes, you’re at a much higher risk of developing vision problems. Eating the right foods can help prevent these problems while also giving your eyes the nutrients they need to stay healthy and strong. Be sure to add plenty of foods that are good for your vision, such as carrots, dark leafy greens and fatty fish.

Reducing Eyestrain

Too much screen time, driving at night, long bouts of reading and the wrong eyeglass or contact lens prescription can all contribute to eyestrain. This can lead to difficulty seeing and focusing as well as headaches. Keep your glasses or contacts up to date and give your eyes a break whenever possible to help reduce eyestrain.

Protecting From Harmful UV Rays

Too much sunlight can be hard on your eyes. It can also contribute to macular degeneration down the road, which could lead to vision loss. Wear UV-blocking sunglasses every time you’re outside, especially for long periods of time.

Maintaining Regular Checkups

Your optometrist or other eye specialist can detect issues that you may not even realize are developing when you go for your yearly eye exam. For many eye problems, early detection is key for a more successful outcome. In addition, your eye doctor can help ensure that your current prescription is accurate, as eyesight can fluctuate over time.

Caring for you eyesight is an important aspect of overall wellness. If you want to protect your vision, follow these helpful tips and you can enjoy healthier eyes for years to come.

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Paul Watson
Paul Watson

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