3 Ways Anxiety Affects Daily Life

3 Ways Anxiety Affects Daily Life
September 15 06:03 2021 Print This Article

Anxiety disorders can include generalized anxiety, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and separation anxiety, among others. All of these conditions can affect day-to-day life in ways ranging from mild, moderate or severe. Here are three ways that anxiety can affect daily life.

  1. Relationships

Anxiety can affect relationships in several ways. For example, someone with social anxiety may avoid going to new places or interacting with people who they don’t know well, preventing them from forming new relationships. A person with generalized anxiety may similarly hesitate to leave their comfort zone and try new activities with people. The resulting lack of a good support system can cause people to have increasingly worse anxiety Bastrop TX.

  1. Health

The constant stress and worry from feeling anxious can lead to digestive issues, cardiovascular problems and more. Anxiety can cause digestive problems like nausea and diarrhea, which can be very inconvenient when traveling or performing daily tasks. Feeling anxious can also heighten your blood pressure and heart rate, which over time leads to an increased risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attack. Lastly, chronic anxiety lowers your immune system and the body’s ability to respond to numerous other health conditions.

  1. Ability To Focus

People with anxiety often have symptoms of forgetfulness, foggy thinking and difficulty concentrating. Anxious people can also be very easily distracted either by their own thoughts or things going on in their surroundings. This can greatly impact work performance, ability to complete chores and willingness to engage in new activities that could bring joy and richness to your life. Fortunately, there are small things you can do to manage your ability to focus, such as making a to-do list and taking breaks in between tasks.

If anxiety is impacting your life in any of these three ways, consider seeking help to alleviate symptoms.

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About Article Author

Clare Louise
Clare Louise

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