Possible Treatments For Back Pain

Possible Treatments For Back Pain
August 02 07:16 2021 Print This Article

When you decide to undertake a project like replacing the decaying landscape timbers in your yard, it is a good idea to think it through thoroughly and evaluate what will be involved and the effort that will be applied. For instance, you could injure your back if you try to forcibly pull the old rebar out of the ground that anchors the timbers without loosening it first. A landscaper most likely would have known to do this, but it could result in you injuring your back if you did not.

There are lots of daily tasks that can result in back pain. It’s easy to overlook a task that might be too straining on your own. If you do end up injuring your back, here is what you should know about the causes of back pain and possible treatments.

The Causes of Back Pain

One of the leading causes of back pain is an injury to your lumbar. The pain could result from a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or arthritis. If you incur either one or a combination of these injuries, you may find yourself in need of back pain treatment Orange Park FL. Talking to a professional can help you understand more fully where the pain is coming from and what to do.

The Possible Treatments

Most people will probably make an appointment to see their primary care doctor first, but after tests have been conducted and a diagnosis has been made, they may be referred to a pain management specialist. Based on your diagnosis, this specialist will decide the best course of action to manage your pain and address your injury.

When you have chronic pain from joint inflammation, it may seem that nothing can be done to alleviate your condition. The correct back pain treatment can give you the relief you need to help you resume your day-to-day activities relatively pain-free. Rather than becoming reliant on opiates and NSAIDS, you may be able to get long-lasting comfort by receiving steroid injections or, if necessary, an epidural injection. Your pain doctor may also refer you to a physical therapist. Consult with professionals to learn what the best course of action is in your particular situation.

As you can see, there are various treatment options that you can try, with the assistance of your primary doctor and a pain management doctor, to alleviate your pain and get you back on your feet again.

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About Article Author

Clare Louise
Clare Louise

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