What are warts? Do they get serious?

What are warts? Do they get serious?
February 18 18:10 2021 Print This Article

What are warts?

Have you ever seen someone with unusual skin growth? Or do you yourself experience the same thing? If so, then it is highly likely that it is wart. Warts (ketuat) are small and grainy skin growths. They can be found around the body, but usually grow on fingers and hands. It is caused by a virus infection. Normally, it will take around two to six months before warts can develop after its first exposure. Warts are usually harmless and do not cause any problem to our health. Besides, it can also disappear on its own. However, most of the people will remove it from their body because they find it embarrassing or bothersome.

What is the cause?

As mentioned above, warts are caused by a virus infection. The virus that is responsible for this condition is known as Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The virus is actually pretty common and has hundreds of strains. However, only some strains can cause warts on your body. Usually, this virus infects our body through direct contact and also sexual contact. The use of shared objects such as shared towels, clothes or pants will facilitate this infection. Besides, it is easier for the infection to occur if there are breaks in your skin. HPV virus can easily spread to your bloodstream if that happens. Furthermore, some HPV strains also spread through on the fingertips and around the nails. This usually occurs through nail biting.

Who is at risk of developing warts?

Everyone can be infected by this virus and develop warts. But, some groups of people will have a high chance of getting infected due to some risk factors. The first group is children or the elderly. They are likely to get infected because their immune system is weak. For a child, the system is not well developed yet. For the elderly, their immune system might become weakened due to old age or other diseases. The second high risk group is people with weakened immunity. Patients such as the one that suffer from chronic disease such as cancer or HIV/AIDS infection will have a weak immune response. Hence, the HPV virus will find it easier to infect these hosts.

Do they get serious?

As stated before, warts generally do not cause any harm to humans. Common warts that usually occur on the hands and fingers can be recognized by their symptoms. This includes fleshy skin growth, rough to the touch and can also be sprinkled with black pinpoint. These appearances will usually cause no problem to us. However, there are some potential complications that may arise from this condition. You need to see your doctor as soon possible to get an immediate treatment if your warts behave like this:

  • The growth is painful
  • There is a change in appearance or colour
  • The growths are quite bothersome and interfere with your daily activities
  • The growth is too fast and numerous warts begin to grow around your body. This particularly can happen to an adult. It is a sign that the immune system starts to wane.

Bear in mind that these lists are some of the potential complications that might occur. Other people might experience different symptoms and complications. If you have warts, please do not pick at warts as this will only cause the virus to spread further. Besides, you must groom with care especially at the site where your warts are growing. If you find out that the warts are bothersome and feel the need to remove them, you can meet your doctor and discuss possible treatment.

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Robert Rosado
Robert Rosado

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