Should Your Child See a Pediatric Dentist?

Should Your Child See a Pediatric Dentist?
July 15 10:10 2021 Print This Article

As soon as a child gets his or her first tooth, which is usually during the first year of life, he or she is at risk for developing tooth decay. Children are seven times more likely to develop infectious dental caries in early childhood than hay fever and five times more likely to have early childhood dental caries than asthma. Because of this, pediatricians are now recommending that children start seeing a dentist at an early age. In theory, any dentist can treat your child, but he or she may benefit specifically from seeing a kids dentist Los Angeles CA, also known as a pediatric dentist.

Kid-Friendly Decorations

A dentist’s office can be an intimidating place, especially for a very small child. While most dental offices have an area in their waiting room with toys and picture books to occupy kids, a pediatric dentist’s office is decorated with children in mind throughout to help them feel more at ease.

Special Equipment

The furniture and equipment that a pediatric dentist uses in his or her office are specially designed to be kid-sized. This makes it more comfortable for children during the exam.

Extensive Training

Pediatric dentists know how to keep children as comfortable and calm as possible during the dental exam. They receive special training in treating kids from infants to teenagers during the two additional years of residency training they receive after dental school. This training includes treating children with special needs.

Comprehensive Oral Care

Pediatric dentists perform a wide range of services including those that are specific to children’s care. For example, they may recognize and treat congenital conditions such as a short frenulum, counsel you on habits such as thumb sucking or pacifier use, make diet and nutrition recommendations in the interest of preventative care, and perform early bite assessment.

These are some of the ways that both you and your child can benefit when you decide to take him or her to a pediatric dentist.

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David Curry
David Curry

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