10 common blunders to avoid when playing pool

10 common blunders to avoid when playing pool
June 20 11:24 2022 Print This Article

Online pool games can be quite tough yet in that case, there are many articles and tips for you to follow. Some prominent mistakes to avoid include not maintaining a steady and tight bank shot angle; trying to make too many shots because with every possession gained it becomes easier to attempt more scoring moves; or going for too many risky chances as the game will inevitably run out of luck.

One simple mistake can ruin a pool game. Watch out for these mistakes, and your pool game will go smoothly. Some common mistakes are listed below and can be fixed easily.

There are some of the best tips for playing, but the most important tip of all is not to make mistakes when you play. When you realise mistakes are inevitable, follow these lessons in order to minimise the number of errors you make.

You can avoid many embarrassing pool games for the next few hours by taking a few minutes to avoid these common mistakes. However, you need to be aware of these mistakes before you learn how to avoid them.

Things Not to Do When Playing 8-Ball Pool Online

  • It’s best not to try for the Impossible

Pool players should keep in mind that they cannot defy or break physics while playing online. So if they miss, they will have missed continuous shots that were more likely possible as opposed to what they couldn’t prepare for. If a pool player misses, it is worth noting that the game could be much shorter without the opposing team having gained points from your mistake.

  • Not Having a Plan for Potting

It’s important to keep in mind a strategy when you decide to potter the ball, since doing so increases your chances of winning. However, this isn’t true if you play randomly, since then your opponent will find it easy to defeat you.

  • Excessive confidence

We sometimes rely on our talent and skills too much, resulting in unrealistic expectations and goal setting. It is important to remember how it feels to be an online 8 ball pool player. Always remain humble and grounded.

  • Lack of awareness of one’s competition

Sometimes, taking note of what your opponent is doing can help you answer difficult questions and disrupt their game. By distracting them with physical limitations, they will be unable to perform at the same level they usually do. This can be done by moving the balls further away, which are now more prominent targets.

  • Shoot with a Poor Break

Want to take advantage and win more games? Aim for the break shot. If you get the break, the other team will have to scurry back and forth between balls, making it much harder for them to make shots and striking repeatedly in an attempt to even things up.

  • Misjudging Your Competitors

It is normal to be intimidated by a player’s high rating. This makes it hard for the person to play optimally because the prospect of losing has already been baked into their psyche. This can happen even when someone is a novice. People will overthink, leading to negative outcomes, so even if you are playing against an average player, there is no reason to lose.

  • Do Not Be Worried

Playing pool causes anxiety in some, but those who can use their calm mind to get the best out of the game will find the benefits of playing greater. With deep breaths, work on a calm mindset to play pool and win against your opponent.

  • Counting the Shots

Before you firm up your cue on the pool table, take time to make sure that it’s accurate. With enough practice, you will have mastered a good stroke. To get better at this skill, practice calculating before each shot to improve your reflexes.

  • Keeping Fouls at Bay

For beginners and professionals, there are many “foul” plays in 8 ball pool games. While it’s almost impossible not to make a mistake with no calculation, by learning about these fouls in advance you can minimise your losses. Avoiding these tips could mean winning thousands of rupees per hour online!

  • Lineup

It’s never wise to ignore the importance of time management when playing online pool. Don’t lose track of time in lieu of calculating, and don’t strike too quickly; otherwise, you will miss your chance.


When you play pool games online, it is easy to lose track of time. Don’t fall into that trap. If you take too long or rush through your shots, your target might end up wavering near another ball. 

Make sure that the power on your shot is controlled as well. You want to make sure that you hit the intended target while not accidentally moving it to an unintended direction.

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Paul Watson
Paul Watson

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