What are the top 10 medications for anxiety?

What are the top 10 medications for anxiety?
January 18 10:34 2024 Print This Article

Mental health in the past was seen as a taboo issue to be talked about. When a person seems to have mental health issues, people in the past tend to feel ashamed of discussing it for the fear of being labelled as crazy or lunatic. This stigma also has caused many people suffering from mental health problems unable to get professional help. However, things have changed for the past few years as more people are open to share about their struggles in dealing with mental health and getting help from mental health professionals. In this DoctorOnCall’s article, you will know the top 10 medications for anxiety.

Before knowing what are the top 10 medications for anxiety, what exactly is anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of unease stemming from worry or fear. It is true that everyone can feel anxiety throughout their life and it is considered a normal emotional response. Life events such as being anxious for a new job or facing an examination is considered normal. However, when worry becomes uncontrollable or constant, it can be a great deal. Anxiety that starts to interfere with a person’s daily life can be suspected of anxiety disorder. Medication is often needed for anxiety disorders to help improve people’s lives.

Anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental health disorders. It accounts for over 301 million people globally. It is even estimated that 1 out of 4 people with anxiety disorders need treatment to cope with this condition. 30% of adults at some point of their lives will experience anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder can start to develop during childhood or adolescence.

Symptoms of anxiety disorder mainly revolves around excessive fear or worry towards specific situations or towards broad everyday situations. Symptoms can last for months. Symptoms include trouble staying focused or concentrating, feeling restless, irritable, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, trembling or shaking and sleeping disorders. Some may even have gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or abdominal discomfort. Some may also have unexplained aches or pain and shortness of breath. These symptoms may get worse with substances such as caffeine or certain medication.

There are several types of anxiety disorders. Below are common one:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Specific phobias such as towards objects
  • Agoraphobia
  • Selective mutism

Anxiety disorder, similar to other mental health conditions, is a result of complex interaction of social, biological and psychological factors. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause for a person to have mental health issues such as anxiety disorder. However, knowing the risk factor can help one understand why a person is susceptible to developing anxiety disorders. Risk factors include feeling distressed or nervous in new environments in childhood, exposure to negative life such as traumatic events, stressful situations in the environment and family history of family members with mental disorders. Anxiety disorder may also be the product of physical conditions such as heart diseases.

Treating anxiety disorder is crucial in improving a patient’s quality of life. Treatment can be from psychological interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy and medication. It is common for anxiety disorders, similar to other mental disorders, to get combination treatment of both psychotherapy and medicine. If a person suspected of anxiety disorder is unsure of what to do to help themselves, they can always contact a doctor to help them connect with a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Medicine can greatly help those with anxiety disorder to be able to function well in life. It is important for medication that is prescribed by health professionals to avoid misuse or potential drug abuse. Below are the top 10 medication for anxiety:

  1. Gabapentin
  2. Bupropion
  3. Alprazolam
  4. Duloxetine
  5. Buspirone
  6. Clonazepam
  7. Fluoxetine
  8. Levetiracetam
  9. Escitalopram
  10. Diazepam

It is worth noting that despite these top 10 medications being used to treat anxiety disorder, it is important to get in touch with your healthcare provider to understand why you receive medications for the anxiety symptoms. It is also important to take medications as directed by a healthcare provider. If there are side effects from taking medication, do discuss it with your healthcare provider. Patients may need to try more than one medicine before finding the right medication that works best. This is why it is important to always keep in contact with your doctor and be attentive towards appointments scheduled.

It can be concluded that anxiety is indeed a normal emotional response but it is considered abnormal when it is frequent or out of proportion toward the situation and hinder a person’s ability to function normally. Anxiety disorder is divided into many types. Anxiety disorder can be difficult to identify its exact causes as there are complex factors contributing to the condition. Treatment can be psychotherapy, medication or combination of the two. Mental health issues are better treated when it is detected earlier. Getting the right diagnosis and treatment can help a person to return to their normal functioning life.

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Paul Watson
Paul Watson

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