Problems Caused by Crohn’s Disease to your Digestive Tract & Few Suggestions to Control Them

December 16 06:32 2022 Print This Article

Crohn’s disease is a long-lasting disorder that primarily affects the digestive system. It is an auto-immune bowel disease that causes excess inflammation due to an abnormal immune response. Sometimes, the inflammation spreads to the entire wall of the intestine, causing too much discomfort for the person. Crohn’s disease symptoms can differ from person to person depending on the area of infection and the severity of the infection. The person may experience flare-ups where the symptoms get worse, followed by a period of remission where they may have few or no symptoms.

In this article, we will learn about the problems caused by Crohn’s disease in the digestive tract and the important steps to be taken to control them.

  • Diarrhea

One of the most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease is diarrhea. This is caused by inflammation in the intestine. When the fluids and other nutrients don’t get absorbed in an equal amount in the intestine, it causes loose and watery stools. The person experiences frequent bowel movements and an urgent urge to visit the bathroom.

Suggestion: A few changes in your eating habits may help control diarrhea. It is suggested to take small meals every day and take the necessary medication to control inflammation. 

  • Ulcers

Ulcers can occur anywhere in the digestive tract due to chronic inflammation. It can be larger or smaller in size. But large ulcers may cause more pain and bloody stools. 

Suggestion: The treatment may include anti-inflammatory medicines to heal the ulcers. But you may need surgery if any damage is caused to any part of your digestive tract. 

  • Fistulas

Sometimes the ulcers lead to fistulas by creating a tunnel between the intestine and the skin, which usually does not connect. Due to this, the person may experience symptoms like UTI (urinary tract infection), painful skin bumps, etc. 

Suggestion: The treatment may include some antibiotics that help treat the fistulas. But the medicines don’t help, you may need surgery for closing it. 

  • Constipation

While some people experience diarrhea, many of them also suffer from constipation. This happens due to inflammation in the lower part of the colon. It makes it difficult to pass the stool. Some painkillers or iron supplements may also cause this problem. 

Suggestion: The person suffering from constipation due to Crohn’s must drink plenty of water, include fiber food in the diet and take some laxatives for stool softening. 

  • Gallstone

Crohn’s disease also doubles the risk of gallstones. It is a hardened deposit of bile and is processed in the small intestine. If that area is damaged by Crohn’s, not enough salt is absorbed in the bile. This leads to the build-up of hardened gallstones.  

Suggestion: If everything is fine with your gallstone, you do not require any treatment. But if you are experiencing any symptoms, like pain, you may require the right treatment to dissolve them. The treatment may include medicines and if it doesn’t help then the person may need surgery. 

Other than all this, the person may also suffer from kidney stones, bile duct cancer, and cirrhosis. If you have inflammation in the intestine, you must visit your healthcare provider for the right treatment. . Visit icare4u for more information.

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Paul Petersen
Paul Petersen

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