Keys for Different Needs

Keys for Different Needs
March 30 07:50 2021 Print This Article

Car keys are not created equal. With new technology, there are different designs that offer new conveniences and more challenges if they are damaged or lost. Here is what you should know about types of car keys and how key cutting Germantown MD can help if something happens.

Introducing Laser Cut Keys

Laser cut keys are cut thicker than traditional keys. Getting key cutters for this type of key is more expensive because they are made thicker than others. They also have a transponder built into the fob. So, it needs to be programmed before you can use it. Locksmiths are some examples of professionals who can program new keys if you lose yours.

Of Course There are Smart Keys

Smartkeys are wireless devices that let the driver keep them in their pockets and push a button on the car to turn it on. There is a code programmed in the key that changes routinely so hackers can’t take advantage of it. One drawback of using this though is that they aren’t really keys at all. The program can only be handled by the dealer and if you lose them, locksmiths can’t do much to help you.

Simple Keys

Basic keys and fobs are the least expensive form of keys for locksmiths to handle. They are thinner than laser cut keys and easier to cut and replicate. For people who are absent minded, it might be best to invest in spares or main keys like these because they are easier to deal with for both sides.

The more complex the key, the more complex the job for drivers and locksmiths. You can decide your own balance for comfort and ease of recovery in the worst case scenario. Know the make and model of your key so you know your options in case you break or lose your keys.

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Paul Watson
Paul Watson

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