How To Pack Like a Sherpa for Winter Drives

How To Pack Like a Sherpa for Winter Drives
December 02 08:10 2020 Print This Article

Winter driving has its own set of rewards and risks. Visiting relatives for Thanksgiving or traveling to a ski lodge can make driving through the cold and snow a joyful experience. However, slippery roads can send your car spinning and cold temperatures may lead to hard starting and breakdowns. For these reasons, you need to prepare a winter-driving kit to carry in your car. Although the list can be extensive, minimally, it should contain these items to keep you secure until help arrives.

Contact information

Have a list of important phone numbers available both on your phone and on paper. This list should include the following numbers:

  • Auto insurance
  • Health insurance|
  • Area police
  • Area hospitals

Additionally, add local towing services, such as car towing North Branch MN, while noting whether they offer flatbed towing if your car requires it.

Backup Energy

Your phone can run out of juice. A smartphone’s apps can quickly drain your device if you have to leave it on for an extended period; portable phone chargers can fully recharge your empty phone. Also, you may need to run your car every 15 minutes for warmth; extra gasoline in an approved container can keep your car going.

Warming Items

Though you may have intentionally packed a stylish coat warm enough for a dash from your car to the family gathering, you will find it insufficient for an emergency. Load up on extreme gear you may not end up wearing, including a jacket, gloves, hats, and boots.

People Fuel

Finally, you need to remember to keep you and your passengers fueled. Pack a box full of goodies that are easy to unwrap and slow to perish. Make sure they are nutritional so that the energy they supply is long-lasting.

When traveling in extreme winter conditions, you need to exercise caution. This approach applies not just to how you handle the car, but also to how you prepare for the trip. Packing as if you expect to become stranded on your journey can make the difference when that situation actually sends you unexpectedly (spinning) for a loop.

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About Article Author

Sheri Gill
Sheri Gill

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