Things you did not know yet about laminate flooring

Things you did not know yet about laminate flooring
January 23 06:30 2023 Print This Article

What is laminate flooring?

Laminate flooring is a type of synthetic flooring that consists of several layers fused together. The top layer is a photographic image designed to resemble wood, stone, or tile. Underneath this image layer is a protective wear layer followed by a core made from high-density fiberboard.

Laminate flooring is a popular choice for homeowners because it is durable, easy to clean, and affordable. It can also be installed as a floating floor, meaning it does not need to be nailed or glued down.

However, laminate flooring does have some drawbacks. It cannot be refinished like real wood flooringand may scratch or dent easily. In addition, the photographic image can fade over time with exposure to sunlight.

When shopping for laminate flooring, it is important to look for high-quality options with thicker wear layers and a strong warranty. It may cost more initially, but it will likely save money in the long run by being more durable and standing up to regular wear and tear.

Overall, laminate flooring can be a great option for homeowners looking for an affordable and low maintenance flooring solution. It is important to do research and choose a high-quality option to ensure long-lasting satisfaction.

Myths about laminate flooring you may be hearing

1) Laminate flooring cannot be used in bathrooms or other high-moisture areas – This is not true, as long as the installation guidelines are followed and appropriate waterproof measures are taken.

2) Laminate flooring emits harmful chemicals – While some older laminate flooring options may have contained volatile organic compounds (VOCs), modern laminate flooring meets all safety and environmental standards.

3) Laminate flooring is not as durable as other types of flooring – This can be true if lower-quality options are chosen, but high-quality laminate can be just as durable as real wood or tile. It is important to do research and choose a durable option with a strong warranty.

4) Laminate flooring cannot be repaired – While it cannot be sanded and refinished like real wood, minor damage to laminate flooring can often be fixed by replacing individual planks or using special repair kits.

5) Laminate flooring looks cheap and fake – While this may be true for lower-quality options, high-quality laminate can closely resemble the look of real wood or stone. It is important to choose a reputable brand and view samples in person before purchasing.

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About Article Author

Paul Watson
Paul Watson

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