3 Ways To Create Authentic Connection

3 Ways To Create Authentic Connection
May 03 08:37 2021 Print This Article

Are you wanting to connect with others in an authentic way? Do you feel as though it’s difficult to communicate with new people? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced culture, it can be a challenge to make real, lasting alliances that are mutually beneficial. Getting better at connecting doesn’t have to be complex; a lot of it has to do with an old-fashioned word — manners. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  1. Be Pleasant

Simply put, be an easy person to be around. It doesn’t mean that you have to squelch your natural charisma, but it does mean making an effort to leave each person better than you found them. Having a warm, attentive presence will make you stand out. Smile and make appropriate eye contact. Looking for a professional to help improve your smile? Search online using terms like dental services Seattle WA to find a clinician who’s right for you.

  1. Be Curious

There’s a lot going on behind the outward appearance of others. If you’re in a social or networking situation, be sincerely curious about the thoughts and perspectives of the people you meet. Listen without jumping in, and ask follow-up questions. Making authentic connections without an agenda is both a good long-term strategy and a powerful way to decrease feelings of isolation.

  1. Be Dependable

This means integrity and consistency. You do what you say you’re going to do. You’re not prone to gossip. Even if you’re a colorful personality, you can still be a dependable person who people think of first when they want real help or friendship. The more dependable you are, the more you’ll tend to attract like-minded allies, as long as your healthy personal boundaries are in place.

Creating connections and self-development go hand-in-hand. Try these suggestions to improve your personal communication.

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About Article Author

Clare Louise
Clare Louise

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